Winds of Time


In Winds of Time, I celebrate the opportunity to create a window into the world of British Columbia’s past, present and future by using the lower portion as a 3D sculpted canvas with the powerful figurative spirit above.

My piece speaks of the First Nations who show reverence for nature with hands raised asking permission to enter the territory of the orcas. The people on the sailboat represent others who love nature with all its magnificence.

We are distinctive peoples with dynamic cultures that hold tremendous knowledge and have great need for a healthy natural world. In a confluence of cultures with respectful collaboration we can create a brighter future for coming generations.

The large female figure, rising from the Salish Sea, personifies the beautiful spirit of this place with its unstoppable elements of wind and time. With her knowing smile she seems to say that she has seen it all and knows what is to come.

Winds of Time is cast in bronze for its timeless beauty and durability. Her creation took 10 months of sculpting and casting. She is a labor of love with messages of hope, respect, and acceptance.


31” x 33” x 22”
Bronze limited edition
#1/12, Purchased and installed at King George terrace lookout in Oak Bay, BC
#2/12, $23,000 + GST