
Make-up classes

If you are planning to be away, or become ill, you are welcome to come to a make-up class as long as you have given me reasonable notice (24 hrs where possible) so that I am able to fill your space with someone else who needs to do their make-up class. You will then be welcome to come to any class which fits your schedule provided there is room. Make-up classes are good for one year after the completion of any course.


For registration, please include a 50% non-refundable deposit by Interact e-Transfer or by cheque. Full payment for each course will be due 30 days prior to the first day of class. All tuition costs are non-refundable and non- transferrable.


Start-up costs are approximately $100-$150 which include a custom-made armature to build your sculpture on, a 25 lb bag of clay, turn table, and a beginning set of tools.


Your sculpture should dry slowly over a 5-6 week period before firing. I recommend that you take it to Victoria Clay Art for the firing of your sculpture as Dan Krystalowich is an expert.


Sculptures created during the course must remain non-commercial.

Local Sculpting Resources

Sculpting Supplies are available locally at Victoria Clay Art at 654 Burnside Road West

Sculpt Italy 2025 registrations are now open!